N6XRE DokuWiki

1. The Linux Kernel documentation

2. My HealtheVet

3. Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication with pass and oathtool

Setting up the YubiKey on Ubuntu

How to add two-factor authentication - Self-hosting notes with a Raspberry Pi and TiddlyWiki

Setting up two-factor authentication on your Raspberry Pi
Accessing your Raspberry Pi via SSH - click link for full article
A lot of people use a Raspberry Pi at home as a file, or media, server. This is has become rather common with
the launch of Raspberry Pi 4, which has both USB 3 and Gigabit Ethernet. However, when you’re setting up this
sort of server you often want to run it “headless”; without a monitor, keyboard, or mouse. This is especially
true if you intend tuck your Raspberry Pi away behind your television, or somewhere else out of the way. In
any case, it means that you are going to need to enable Secure Shell (SSH) for remote access.
However, it’s also pretty common to set up your server so that you can access your files when you’re away from
home, making your Raspberry Pi accessible from the Internet.
Most of us aren’t going to be out of the house much for a while yet, but if you’re taking the time right now to
build a file server, you might want to think about adding some extra security. Especially if you intend to make
the server accessible from the Internet, you probably want to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) using
Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP).

Simplify and Secure Your Online Logins With a YubiKey

What is the equivalent comand in linux to Associate the Identiv uTrust? Yubikey is pamu2fcfg > ~/.config/Yubico/u2f_keys
pamu2fcfg - Man Page - Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) in Linux - man -k pam_ will list pam modules
Linux/Unix user authentication infrastructure with Yubikey - pam-u2f & manuels
Yubikey on Linux
USB-Dongle Authentication

HyperFIDO Guides
How to Make a USB Security Key for Your PC or Mac - URU Card - Arduino FIDO2 Authenticator - WebAuthn
How to Clear RAM Memory Cache, Buffer and Swap Space on Linux
su -c “echo 3 >'/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches' && swapoff -a && swapon -a && printf '\n%s\n' 'Ram-cache and Swap Cleared'” root


5. Portmaster

6. Webmin Documentation

7. Html Editor

8. Embed videos & playlists Instructions

How to Embed and Start YouTube Video At Certain Time
Example: Observe the video link. Something like ?t=01m15s

YouTube Clips

Two different ways:
1> See below video - How to View All of a Channel's Uploads in a Playlist
 - (Replace UC with UU in &list=) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk4FsbaTTwM
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=UUZdQjaSoLjIzFnWsDQOv4ww" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
2> See Another way (below) - Using username - https://youtu.be/DVgMhCWhv70
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/?listType=user_uploads&list=briantrautman" width="560" height="315" frameBorder="0"></iframe>
<iframe width=100% height="700" src="https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Bash_Shell_Scripting" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
</html> <br>
Image Link 
<html><a href="https://bit.ly/2RnTFjg" target="_blank"><img title="Hells Kitchen Roku Channel"
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 200px; height: 300px;"
alt="Hells Kitchen Roku Channel"
src="https://www.gstatic.com/tv/thumb/tvbanners/15685086/p15685086_b_v8_ab.jpg"></a></html> \\

How to View All of a Channel's Uploads in a Playlist (Still Works 2018)

Youtube started adding "?disable_polymer=1" to the end 
of a lot of their urls now. When you're copying a channel 
code in the url, DON'T INCLUDE THIS EXTRA STRING. Just 
copy up to the question mark. If the video you're pasting 
the code onto has the same disable polymer string, then 
delete it before copying the code. 
See above video (Replace UC with UU in &list=)

How to disable auto-play for local video in iframe

To disable auto-play,

<video width="560" height="315" controls>
    <source src="https://bit.ly/2QOWYzu" type="video/mp4">

To enable auto-play,

<video width="320" height="240" controls autoplay>
    <source src="videos/example.mp4" type="video/mp4">


9. PDF Documents

gview module alternative for display

Example: {{obj:noreference 60%,800 > http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8080/dokuwiki/pdf/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf|Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf} \\

Also see PDF Documents on Books Page (Copy)

10. Pandoc

Convert Mediawiki page to Dokuwiki page with Pandoc

pandoc -f mediawiki -t dokuwiki sample.txt -o aircraft.dokuwiki


11. Create a desktop icon to start a program


1) Open terminal
2) cd /home/pi/Desktop
3) nano [insertanamehere] 4) type up your commands, multiple lines are allowed (this is called bash scripting)
5) save by hitting control-x then a few other things
6) sudo chmod +x [thenameyouusedearlier]
7) Go to desktop
8) There should be a program you can double click on and that will launch

12. How to Host a website in Google Drive with custom Domain

13. Deus Ex McKenna ~ Terence McKenna Archive Channel

14. Internet Ports Blocked or Restricted by Cox

15. What is the difference between ARP binding and DHCP address reservation?


17. Buy & Sell Bitcoin


Magic Money: The Bitcoin Revolution | Full Documentary

18. Supported Trezor coins & tokens ( 1816 )

19. Check if Directory is Mounted in Bash

20. The Linux Kernel documentation

21. My HealtheVet

22. Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication with pass and oathtool

Setting up the YubiKey on Ubuntu

How to add two-factor authentication - Self-hosting notes with a Raspberry Pi and TiddlyWiki

Setting up two-factor authentication on your Raspberry Pi
Accessing your Raspberry Pi via SSH - click link for full article
A lot of people use a Raspberry Pi at home as a file, or media, server. This is has become rather common with
the launch of Raspberry Pi 4, which has both USB 3 and Gigabit Ethernet. However, when you’re setting up this
sort of server you often want to run it “headless”; without a monitor, keyboard, or mouse. This is especially
true if you intend tuck your Raspberry Pi away behind your television, or somewhere else out of the way. In
any case, it means that you are going to need to enable Secure Shell (SSH) for remote access.
However, it’s also pretty common to set up your server so that you can access your files when you’re away from
home, making your Raspberry Pi accessible from the Internet.
Most of us aren’t going to be out of the house much for a while yet, but if you’re taking the time right now to
build a file server, you might want to think about adding some extra security. Especially if you intend to make
the server accessible from the Internet, you probably want to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) using
Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP).

Simplify and Secure Your Online Logins With a YubiKey

What is the equivalent comand in linux to Associate the Identiv uTrust? Yubikey is pamu2fcfg > ~/.config/Yubico/u2f_keys
pamu2fcfg - Man Page - Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) in Linux - man -k pam_ will list pam modules
Linux/Unix user authentication infrastructure with Yubikey - pam-u2f & manuels
Yubikey on Linux
USB-Dongle Authentication

HyperFIDO Guides
How to Make a USB Security Key for Your PC or Mac - URU Card - Arduino FIDO2 Authenticator - WebAuthn
How to Clear RAM Memory Cache, Buffer and Swap Space on Linux
su -c “echo 3 >'/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches' && swapoff -a && swapon -a && printf '\n%s\n' 'Ram-cache and Swap Cleared'” root

24. My Gallery


25. Portmaster

26. Webmin Documentation

27. Html Editor

28. Create a desktop icon to start a program


1) Open terminal
2) cd /home/pi/Desktop
3) nano [insertanamehere] 4) type up your commands, multiple lines are allowed (this is called bash scripting)
5) save by hitting control-x then a few other things
6) sudo chmod +x [thenameyouusedearlier]
7) Go to desktop
8) There should be a program you can double click on and that will launch

29. Internet Ports Blocked or Restricted by Cox


31. Buy & Sell Bitcoin


Magic Money: The Bitcoin Revolution | Full Documentary

32. Supported Trezor coins & tokens ( 1816 )

QR Code
QR Code the_linux_kernel_documentation (generated for current page)