N6XRE DokuWiki

Programming and Computing
Neural Networks

31. TensorFlow

https://www.tensorflow.org/ - http://deeplearning.net/software_links/


Get started with Google Colaboratory (Coding TensorFlow)

Welcome to Colaboratory!
Want to get started with Google Colaboratory? In this episode of Coding TensorFlow,
Software Engineer, Jake VanderPlas breaks down exactly what you need to get started
with Colab. Colaboratory is a free Jupyter notebook environment that requires no
setup, and runs entirely (writing, running, & sharing code) on the Cloud. Watch to
learn more, and subscribe to get notified for the next Colab series episode, that
focuses on the use of TensorFlow in Colab!

Google Colabs: An easy way to learn & use TensorFlow blog post → https://bit.ly/2CR7vTr

Get started with Colab now → https://bit.ly/2t2JwMJ
Google Colab FAQhttps://bit.ly/2B6UFjO

TensorFlow in Google Colaboratory Playlist → https://bit.ly/2RCIaC5

Watch more Coding TensorFlow → https://bit.ly/Coding-TensorFlow
Subscribe to the TensorFlow YouTube channel → https://bit.ly/TensorFlow1

32. Artificial Intelligence 101: How to get started

Python - Python Crash Course For Beginners = 4:26:51 Youtube

33. OpenAI GPT-2: An Almost Too Good Text Generator

34. CodinGame

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