===== - Time in Las Vegas =====
[[https://bin.garudalinux.org/?c99238cc96bdf278#B24trjG2pUGaouvHDtwJez7niW5jSZ4P58u6Jzms38VT|Garuda's PrivateBin]]
Time in Las Vegas:
[[https://tinyurl.com/3kmwspmj|My library from Youtube - 11/2024]] \\
https://tinyurl.com/3kmwspmj \\
http://wp-n6xre.duckdns.org \\
[[https://tinyurl.com/bdhbdwje|Plus Code - Gary Rust]]\\
https://tinyurl.com/bdhbdwje \\
[[https://about.opnxng.com|SearXNG]] - Good Tools\\
https://about.opnxng.com \\
[[http://tinyurl.com/3pd49awf|N6XRE DokuWiki]]\\
http://tinyurl.com/3pd49awf \\
===== - ICONS =====
[[https://www.fastcompany.com/91143291/googles-notebooklm-is-a-great-tool-for-adding-ai-to-your-notes|Google’s NotebookLM]] - [[#13. Links|Links]] - [[https://groq.com|Groq® Prompter]] \\
Tweet to @glassparrot \\
fmt -w 40 pirates.txt
Google’s NotebookLM is a new free
service that lets you apply AI to
your own notes.
===== - The Boomer Bible =====
**The Evolution of Life before** \\
**and after The Garden Of Eden.** \\
**[[https://garyrust.github.io/TiddlyWiki5/7/#Metric%20Calendar|Metric Calendar]]**\\
The Boomer Bible \\
**[[https://tinyurl.com/yx6fc9mk|Download boomerbible.tar.gz]]** \\
===== - Tracking =====
===== - Radio =====
**[[start#top|Top]] - [[garyrust2013@gmail.com]]** \\
cmd to show all hardware = inxi -Fxxxza \\
**[[The Linux Kernel documentation]]** \\
Blender 3.2
Reference Manual - [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0iycuXI4xZmz5ULlM552K-D4S3gtYlxj|Free Addons]]\\
[[https://therokuchannel.roku.com/|The Roku Channel]] - [[https://www.autotempest.com/|AutoTempest]]\\
[[https://www.hionline.eu/jazz/|Hi Online Radio - Jazz]] - [[food]] \\
[[https://www.muses.org/setup|Set up your Muses Radio Player]] \\
https://www.artbreeder.com/create \\
===== - Universal Licensing System (N6XRE) on Raspberry Pi =====
[[Bookmarks]] \\
Time in Las Vegas:
https://time.is/Pretoria - [[https://everytimezone.com/|SPACEX Time - S3XY]] \\
https://time.is/Hell-Ville - [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_Cybertruck|CyberTruck wikipedia]] \\
[[http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=722830|Universal Licensing System]] - [[http://ice4.somafm.com/secretagent-128-mp3|Secret Agent]] - [[cw#echolink|CW]] - [[raspberry_pi#manet|Manet]] - [[https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=Z2FyeXJ1c3QyMDEzQGdtYWlsLmNvbQ|Google Calendar]] - CLICK ON PICTURE\\
===== - Numbeo - Crowd-sourced online database =====
[[https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/| Numbeo - Crowd-sourced online database]] \\
===== - The Easiest Way to Create Animated Videos For Free Using AI =====
**[[https://youtu.be/WOqXJ-F8Aqg?si=6WuwLwg--K17qa7r|The Easiest Way to Create Animated Videos For Free Using AI]]** \\
===== - Stable Diffusion 2.1 Demo =====
[[https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion|Stable Diffusion 2.1 Demo]]\\
[[https://comfyuiweb.com/#ai-image-generator|Free AI Image Generator]] - [[https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion|Stable Diffusion 2.1 Demo]]\\
[[https://youtu.be/6xbdD8iy2nk?si=8XmN5XXNLkvbowqU|Top 7 Free AI Video Generators of 2024]] \\
===== - GitFluence =====
https://www.gitfluence.com \\
**[[start#top|Top]]** \\
[[https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2|Pro Git book]]\\
===== - Links =====
[[https://localhost:10000/|WebminLocalhost]] - [[|Webmin1]] - [[|Webmin2]] - [[|Webmin3]] - [[|Webmin4]] - \\
[[|Webmin5]] - [[|Webmin7]] - [[|Webmin8]] - [[|Webmin10]] - [[|Webmin11]] \\
N6XRE TiddlyWiki Pi Private Wiki
**[[Tiddlyspot Pages]] on Raspberry Pi** \\
Also see my Tiddlyspot Pages
[[https://garyrust.github.io/TiddlyWiki5/1/#Notes|Notes on N6XRE Tiddlywiki]] - [[https://distrotest.net/index.php|DistroTest.net]] - [[https://www.onworks.net/|OnWorks]] - [[sandbox]]\\
[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjJVmAI1Do4&list=RDCMUCwFpzG5MK5Shg_ncAhrgr9g&start_radio=1|Putting it All Together]] - How To Playlist - Docker, Docker-Compose, \\
NGinx Proxy Manager, and Domain Routing - [[https://codeium.com/playground|Codeium Playground]] \\
[[https://drive.google.com/drive/my-drive|gdrive]] - [[https://www.evernote.com/|Evernote]] [[|PiHole 8]] - [[https://groq.com|Groq® Prompter]] - [[https://library.kiwix.org/|Kiwix Server]] \\
Portainer - [[!/home|2]] -
[[!/home|3]] -
[[!/home|5]] -
[[!/home|6]] -
[[!/home|7]] -
[[!/home|8]] -
[[!/home|11]] \\
Netdata - [[;after=-540;before=0;theme=slate|2]] -
[[;after=-540;before=0;theme=slate|3]] -
[[;after=-540;before=0;theme=slate|5]] -
[[;after=-540;before=0;theme=slate|6]] -
[[;after=-540;before=0;theme=slate|7]] -
[[;after=-540;before=0;theme=slate|8]] -
[[;after=-540;before=0;theme=slate|11]] \\
[[https://www.coinbase.com/|Coinbase]] [[https://exchange.gemini.com/|Gemini]] [[https://www.gate.io|Gate.io]] [[https://www.lopp.net/bitcoin-information.html|BITCOIN INFO]] - [[https://odysee.com/|Odysee]] \\
**[[https://core-electronics.com.au/tutorials/raspberry-pi-bullseye-camera-commands.html|Use Raspberry Pi Cameras with Bullseye OS]] - [[https://www.meshy.ai|Meshy.AI]] **\\
[[https://ideaspot.com.au/blog/cloudflare-hestia-setup/|Oracle Cloud Free Tier]] - [[https://github.com/MitkoDyakov/VapePenReuse|VapePenReuse]] - [[https://vclock.com/#time=16:57&title=Alarm&enabled=0&sound=bells&loop=1|VCLOCK]] - [[https://pixverse.ai|PixVerse]] \\
[[https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-mini/welcome/mac|Mac mini Essentials]] - [[https://www.tomsguide.com/reviews/mac-mini-m1|Apple Mac mini with M1 review]] - [[https://www.perplexity.ai/|Perplexity]]\\
[[https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Portal:Food|Portal:Food - Wikiwand]] - [[https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Soft_diet|Soft diet - Wikiwand]] - [[https://wokwi.com|Wokwi Online]] \\
===== - IN CASE OF EMERGENCY =====
[[https://tinyurl.com/2bmttkx7|Will and Final Testament]] \\
Billy Furman \\
4438 Fenwick drive \\
Warren, Michigan 48092 \\
https://www.facebook.com/billy.furman1 \\
williamfurman@hotmail.com \\
586-525-5069 \\
===== - How to Screen Record a Video =====
===== - PC Build =====
**Find your perfect PC Build today - Built [[https://www.ibuypower.com/store/amd-8000g-starter-gaming-pc|AMD 8000G Starter Gaming PC ($1,319)]]**\\
**Best Ryzen Motherboard 2023 - Ryzen 7000 & 5000 CPUs (5600X, 7600X, 7800X3D & More)** \\
**Click On Picture** \\
**Best Ryzen 7800X3D Gaming PC Build** \\
**Zero cable PCs are here** \\
**A little bit at a time** \\
https://youtu.be/8qLkiLaUMFs?si=jqNFKx0kOU8f2vY3 \\
**BEST SSDs for Creators 2024** \\
**Has price list** \\
===== - Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility =====
[[https://github.com/ChrisTitusTech/winutil|Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility]] \\
===== - Getting Started with the Minisforum UM780 XTX =====
https://droix.net/knowledge-base/article/minisforum-um780-xtx/ \\
===== - GPU Rental =====
https://tinyurl.com/bde2tswj - Playlist\\
https://www.cudocompute.com/pricing \\
===== - AI Theory =====
https://tinyurl.com/3v2czk27 \\
**Neural networks playlist** \\
https://tinyurl.com/4hwka53h \\
**Serrano.Academy playlist** \\
**Click On Picture**\\
**SEE LangChain in lefthand index (left)** \\
https://udlbook.github.io/udlbook/ \\
**Understanding Deep Learning** \\
===== - How I'd Learn AI (If I Had to Start Over) =====
**[[https://youtu.be/TR7AGmey1C8?si=N6uDSUNVw8RvUVQ4|How I'd Learn AI (If I Had to Start Over)]]** \\
AI Learning Roadmap (Notion) 👉 https://tinyurl.com/2m5bcyyv \\
AI Learning Roadmap (PDF) 👉 https://tinyurl.com/3hdjnbaa \\
===== - GPT4All free-to-use chatbot =====
https://youtu.be/oE4kesDk61c?si=pPnJVUMQPM4VeMe0 \\
The Python script is available on my Github repo:\\
* https://github.com/nomic-ai/pygpt4all\\
* https://pypi.org/project/pygpt4all/\\
===== - LM Studio free-to-use chatbot =====
===== - llamafile lets you distribute and run LLMs with a single file. =====
https://github.com/Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile \\
===== - host ALL your AI locally =====
https://youtu.be/Wjrdr0NU4Sk?si=cjZ3tytJaGXp8t8o \\
===== - fabric ai =====
https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric?tab=readme-ov-file \\
https://www.cpatocybersecurity.com/p/fabric-gui \\
===== - GPTPilot (now Pythagora) =====
https://github.com/Pythagora-io/gpt-pilot?tab=readme-ov-file#-requirements \\
===== - AutoGen Studio =====
**AutoGen Studio 2.0 Full Course - NO CODE AI Agent Builder** \\
AutoGen Studio 2.0 \\
===== - AI Agents =====
**7 Prompt Chains for Decision Making, Self Correcting, Reliable AI Agents** \\
===== - LangChain =====
https://tinyurl.com/bdcmjufw \\
**LangChain Python Tutorial - playlist** \\
https://tinyurl.com/mtww4d79 \\
**LangChain How to and guides - playlist** \\
https://youtu.be/_j7JEDWuqLE?si=RElzit1keXOYagry \\
**Hugging Face + Langchain in 5 mins** \\
https://youtu.be/4p1Fojur8Zw?si=vxJ7bziOl1Df2icw \\
**How to Create LOCAL Chatbots with GPT4All and LangChain [Full Guide]** \\
**https://python.langchain.com/docs/get_started/quickstart/** \\
===== - Voice Assistant =====
GITHUB: https://github.com/Ai-Austin/GPT4ALL-Voice-Assistant\\
GPT4ALL DOWNLOAD: https://gpt4all.io/index.html\\
ANACONDA: https://www.anaconda.com/download\\
VoiGPT: https://voigpt.com\\
[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfmVRQjoNcY&list=PLGRS0-2o0XL9y2gNwUt1IOfQjioMdRVMA|ChatGPT Voice Assistant Playlist]]\\
**Testing GPT4all with Voice as a Voice Assistant** \\
https://youtu.be/Hhil9v1h1AQ?si=vcw7HLvZRoH-1LlM \\
Gpt4all - https://github.com/nomic-ai/gpt4all \\
Github - https://github.com/JarodMica \\
**Tortoise TTS playlist** \\
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sTsqSQYIzs&list=PLknlHTKYxuNv4DCfs-MtrL-XQCdfjZqyu \\
===== - Mimic 3 TTS =====
**Mimic 3 TTS** \\
https://youtu.be/egrMopDIvPE?si=N2WA4DSGSmPUUJ4H \\
**Mimic 3 TTS** \\
**Mimic 3 Voice Samples** \\
https://mycroftai.github.io/mimic3-voices/ \\
**API Docs - Language: English (US) - Name: vctk_low \\
Speaker: p257 - Play audio on: Client** \\
===== - JARVIS =====
**Perplexity** \\
https://www.perplexity.ai/search/Create-JARVIS-powered-5u.qODIwTH.KgxTmfmPKvg \\
Prompt: Create J.A.R.V.I.S. powered by GPT4All and Python with speech for control\\
Prompt: Create J.A.R.V.I.S. powered by GPT4All and Python with speech for control
Response: To create a virtual assistant named "JARVIS" using the GPT4All language model,
Python programming language, and speech recognition/synthesis capabilities, you'll need
to follow these steps:
1. Install required libraries:
You will need to install the following libraries in your Python environment:
- gpt_index (GPT4All wrapper)
- SpeechRecognition for speech recognition
- PyTTSX3 for text-to-speech synthesis
- pyttsx3 if you are using Python 2.7 or 3.6
1. Set up the GPT4All language model:
Download the GPT4All language model from this link (https://huggingface.co/gpt4all) and
save it in your project directory. Then, load the model into a variable using gpt_index
library as follows:
from gpt_index import Initializer, Node, GPTIndex
# Initialize_JARVIS = Initializer(model_name="gpt4all", n_context=2048)
jarvis_index = GPTIndex(initializer=Initialize_JARVIS)
1. Set up speech recognition and synthesis:
For speech recognition, you can use the SpeechRecognition library in Python. For
text-to-speech synthesis, you can use either PyTTSX3 or pyttsx3 depending on your
Python version. Install these libraries using pip if they are not already installed.
Then, set up the recognizer and speaker as follows:
import speech_recognition as sr
from gtts import gtts
from playsound import playsound
# Create a Recognizer (speech recognition) object
r = sr.Recognizer()
Create a Speaker (text-to-speech synthesis) object
speaker = gtts()
1. Define the JARVIS class:
Create a class named "Jarvis" that will serve as your virtual assistant. This class
should have methods for speech recognition, text-to-speech synthesis, and querying the
GPT4All model. Here's an example implementation:
import os
from gpt_index import Initializer, Node, GPTIndex
import speech_recognition as sr
from gtts import gtts
from playsound import playsound
class Jarvis():
def __init__(self):
self.initialize = Initialize_JARVIS
self.jarvis_index = GPTIndex(initializer=Initialize_JARVIS)
Create a Recognizer (speech recognition) object
self.r = sr.Recognizer()
Create a Speaker (text-to-speech synthesis) object
self.speaker = gtts()
def speak(self, text):
# Function to convert the given text into speech using GTTs and play it on the
language = 'en' # You can change this according to your needs
self.speaker.lang = language
self.speaker.voice = "Hodor"
Speak the given text
mytextspeech = self.speaker.parse(text)
Save the audio file in memory and play it on the speaker
n = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".wav", delete=False)
def listen(self):
# Function to take input from the user using speech recognition
with sr.Microphone() as source:
audio = self.r.listen(source)
text = self.r.recognize_google(audio, language='en') # You can change this
according to your needs
return text
except Exception as e:
print("Error while recognizing speech:", str(e))
return None
def query(self, prompt):
response = self.jarvis_index.query(prompt, response_mode="text")
return response
1. Test the JARVIS class:
You can now test your virtual assistant by creating an instance of the Jarvis class
and calling its methods as follows:
jarvis = Jarvis()
while True:
text = jarvis.listen().lower()
if "hello" in text or "hi" in text:
jarvis.speak("Hello, how can I assist you?")
elif "goodbye" in text or "see you later" in text:
This will create a continuous loop where JARVIS listens for your voice input and
responds accordingly. You can customize the responses based on your needs.
https://tinyurl.com/y2crbjvr \\
===== - VALL•E: Text2Voice =====
VALL•E: Text2Voice AI DEMO \\
https://youtu.be/e5TvviCUL8w?si=dPUpC4RxqzIhiQAD - https://github.com/Plachtaa/VALL-E-X?tab=readme-ov-file\\
Demo of reproduced VALL-E X - https://plachtaa.github.io \\
===== - The Festival Speech Synthesis System =====
The Festival Speech Synthesis System \\
http://www.festvox.org/docs/manual-2.4.0/festival_toc.html - http://festvox.org/packed/festival/2.4/voices/\\
Festival Text To Speech: The Better Linux TTS \\
===== - Alexa! =====
Don't Buy Alexa! Build Your Own. Create a Virtual \\
Assistant with Python \\
https://youtu.be/AWvsXxDtEkU?si=3vMlp-aZBXkl5C7U - https://github.com/ProgrammingHero1/romantic-alexa?tab=readme-ov-file\\
===== - The “Stable Diffusion” of AI Music & Audio! Free, Local, One Click Install! =====
https://youtu.be/hB0xseSEDp0?si=fvp2Aj0B5oAIPlwW \\
You need a 16GB GPU for this \\
[[https://github.com/facebookresearch/audiocraft/blob/main/docs/MAGNET.md|MAGNeT: Masked Audio Generation using a Single Non-Autoregressive Transformer]] \\
===== - Request Access to Devin =====
[[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHG0Kuxf9rVLR2Ceamr9qq85YLxKPx8fxdQeBr5TwvYEsPUg/viewform?pli=1|Request Access to Devin]] \\
===== - Anaconda =====
===== - Language Transfer - Language audio courses =====
===== - Btrfs is a modern CoW file =====
**Managing the Btrfs File System - [[https://github.com/kdave/btrfsmaintenance?tab=readme-ov-file#quick-start|Btrfs maintenance toolbox]]** \\
===== - Install Proxmox VE on Debian 12 Bookworm =====
https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Install_Proxmox_VE_on_Debian_12_Bookworm \\
**CLICK ON PICTURE** - [[https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pve-admin-guide.html|Proxmox VE Administration Guide]] - [[https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/intel-alder-lake-compatibility-questions.115382/|Intel Alder Lake compatibility questions]] \\
[[https://linuxhandbook.com/proxmox-create-container/|Creating Containers in Proxmox]] - [[https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/how-to-create-a-template-for-lxc-ubuntu-desktop-with-sound.73695/|How to create a template for LXC ubuntu desktop with sound]] \\
[[https://remotedesktop.google.com/headless?pli=1|Chrome Remote Desktop]] - [[https://www.wundertech.net/how-to-set-up-docker-containers-in-proxmox/|How to Set Up Docker Containers in Proxmox]]\\
**Installing Proxmox VE on Intel Alder Lake N (Intel Processor N100) PC ** \\
https://youtu.be/ss8VcHlRjXc?si=FNKoZdZJlaEGoILG \\
How to Create Virtual Machine in Proxmox VE Using Web UI \\
===== - Metropolis 1927 Film with Color, Dialogue and Full Sound Effects =====
https://youtu.be/ySN8mJnbSxw?si=5PPn_4QbkW_CQULS \\
===== - HUNTING Murder Doctors =====
[[https://youtu.be/UDeRIA5NkaI|HUNTING Murder Doctors]]\\
===== - The Roots of Modern Psychological Torture | Mind Control | ENDEVR Documentary =====
https://youtu.be/vHmcf0gXUzM?si=cAxDH-SreQ712N8X \\
===== - E. Jean Carroll =====
==== The Martians meets Donald trump ====
https://youtu.be/MLAQdC-74lQ?si=HM8gzlMLRcTPFLqo \\
**Today there is Victory in Metropolis over the tyrants to the tune of $83.3 million** \\
**The Martians meets Donald trump. - It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live.** \\
**He got caught with his pants down. Yep Yep Martians' Joke - Ha Ha.** \\
===== - We tested five ways to find hidden cameras in hotels and house rentals =====
**Blackmail. Extortion. Larsony. Embezzlement. Murder. Nobody can prevent World War 3.** \\
**Trump Tower in Las Vegas is full of hidden cameras. Trump is a voyeur. Any camera that** \\
**he put there is only for voyeurism, not legal evidence of a crime.** \\
CLICK ON PICTURE - [[https://youtu.be/2buEijCcqso?si=oDpSFwezEmkW0c8T|Sound The Alarms]] \\
===== - Old Gray Mare She Ain't What She Use To Be (Donald Trump) =====
[[http://wp-n6xre.duckdns.org/dokuwiki/img/Old Gray Mare (Donald Trump).mp4|Old Gray Mare (Donald Trump)]] - [[https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Indecent_exposure|Indecent exposure]]\\
**He got caught with his pants down.** \\
**The Apprentice - Old Gray Mare She Ain't
What She Use To Be - Donald Trump
plus MAGA - [[http://tinyurl.com/5appay4e|Vulgar]]** \\
==== Mop Cleanup Scene - They Got Expelled from Hogwarts University ====
https://youtu.be/3REmfMKhlO0?si=BzJNras_kfIi85cf \\
===== - Religion Is Still Evil - Richard Dawkins =====
https://youtu.be/gaRVzooavRI?si=QF8pBSKstgiCTe_o \\
There are lessons to be learned
in the bipolar master/slave relations
of such things as the Harry Potter
Theories of existence. \\
It does not do to dwell on dreams,
and forget to live. An atheist is not
a pantheist, and visa versa. The
right to a personal belief \\ is self
evident. Whatever that means. \\
===== - Learn X in Y minutes =====
https://learnxinyminutes.com/ \\
===== - Anatomy of the Human Body =====
https://www.bartleby.com/107/ \\
Anatomy of the Human Body \\
**[[https://bookriot.com/2016/09/15/11-websites-find-free-audiobooks-online/|11 WEBSITES TO FIND FREE AUDIOBOOKS ONLINE]]** \\
**[[Books]]** \\
Zim Library
Blender 2.82 Reference Manual
Kiwix ZIM Content
Kiwix ZIM Content in all languages
===== - Pastebin =====
[[https://pastebin.com/AF9KuwKa|My IP Address]] Pastebin - [[https://www.animatedknots.com/|Animated Knots]] - [[http://www.jigzone.com/faq/map|Puzzles]] - [[https://www.mathsisfun.com/|Chess]] - [[https://www.chess.com/play/computer|Another Chess]] - [[https://www.wordswithfriendscheat.io/|Words With Friends/Cheats]] - [[Software]] \\
[[https://dockstarter.com/overrides/introduction/|DockSTARTer Overrides Intro]] - [[https://ddewaele.github.io/running-jekyll-in-docker/|Running Jekyll in Docker]] \\
===== - N6XRE WixSite =====
https://garyrust2013.wixsite.com/n6xre \\
===== - Gary Rust on Flickr =====
[[https://www.flickr.com/photos/27188160@N07/|Gary Rust on Flickr]]\\
===== - Glassparrot Wiki =====
https://glassparrot.fandom.com/wiki/Glassparrot_Wiki \\
===== - Midnight Commander via Docker =====
[[https://www.blackvoid.club/midnight-commander-via-docker/|Midnight Commander via Docker]] - [[https://garyrust.github.io/TiddlyWiki5/1/#Asustor|Asustor AS5202T on N6XRE Tiddlywiki - Page 1]]\\
===== - Running Windows in a Docker Container! =====
https://youtu.be/xhGYobuG508?si=qxjKeoRVvLjTUS6E \\
https://github.com/dockur/windows \\
===== - Download Any Windows Version for Unsupported Hardware =====
https://youtu.be/vZiSzSZPJiU?si=TRekrJlT_O2FoZ9G \\
===== - WinBtrfs =====
https://retrosystemsrevival.blogspot.com/2019/12/winbtrfs-15.html \\
===== - Ollama local chatgpt on pi 5 =====
[[https://www.kevsrobots.com/blog/ollama|Ollama local chatgpt on pi 5]] \\
===== - I Ran ChatGPT on a Raspberry Pi Locally! =====
===== - OpenWrt Extroot configuration =====
[[https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/additional-software/extroot_configuration|OpenWrt Extroot configuration]]\\
===== - Tools =====
[[start#top|Top]] \\
[[https://www.info.com/serp?qc=web&q=Ansible+and+OpenWRT&sc=eoTKaqocA99b00|info.com]] - [[https://www.chemguide.co.uk/analysismenu.html|Understanding Chemistry]] - [[https://www.centralvapors.com/?sscid=b1k5_4ivia|Central Vapors]] - [[https://www.mushrooms.com/mushroom-spores-cultures/magic-mushrooms/mushroom-spore-syringes/cubensis|Psilocybe Cubensis Spore Syringes]] - [[https://southwestmushrooms.com/?ref=video|Southwest Mushrooms]]\\
[[http://giuspen.com/cherrytreemanual/|Cherrytree User Manual]]\\
[[start#top|Top]] \\
**[[start#Speech-To-Text and Text-To-Speech engines - Coqui STT&TTS|Speech-To-Text and Text-To-Speech engines - Coqui STT&TTS]] - [[https://www.linode.com/community/questions/21371/how-do-i-set-up-duckdns-with-my-linode|How do I set up DuckDNS with my Linode?]] - [[https://forum.garudalinux.org/t/grub-fails-after-update/78/2|Grub fails after update]]** \\
[[start#top|Top]] \\
[[https://youtu.be/dP08hPg-TMA|Trilium Notes - Open Source]]\\
[[start#top|Top]] \\
[[https://earthly.dev/blog/docker-networking/|Understanding Docker Networking]] - [[https://wiki.opensourceisawesome.com/books/open-source-note-taking/page/install-trilium-notes-syncing-server-and-desktop-app|Install Trilium Notes Syncing Server and Desktop App]]\\
[[start#top|Top]] \\
[[https://ravada.readthedocs.io/en/latest/docs/reduce-size-image.html|Using QCOW2 to reduce the image size after cloning a physical PC]]\\
[[https://jvns.ca/blog/2021/01/23/firecracker--start-a-vm-in-less-than-a-second/|Firecracker: start a VM in less than a second]] - [[https://github.com/firecracker-microvm/firecracker/blob/main/docs/getting-started.md|Getting Started with Firecracker]] - I installed Firecracker on [[https://garudalinux.org|Garuda Linux]] with Pacman\\
[[https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Moving_an_existing_install_into_(or_out_of)_a_virtual_machine|Moving an existing install into (or out of) a virtual machine]]\\
[[start#top|Top]] \\
[[https://virt-manager.org/|Manage virtual machines with virt-manager]] \\
[[https://wet-boew.github.io/v4.0-ci/docs/proxy-en.html|Working behind a proxy]] - [[https://docs.docker.com/network/proxy/|Configure Docker to use a proxy server]] - [[https://www.info.com/serp?q=Install+NGINX-PROXY-SERVER|Install NGINX-PROXY-SERVER]]\\
[[start#top|Top]] \\
[[https://bdoga.com/full-disk-backup-with-dd/|Make a Full Disk Backup with DD]] - [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XU6nbSdVK1U_nF_MOaTzBfbd7mH525ZJh_lrad7laTA/edit?usp=sharing|pdf on google]] - [[https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/12986/how-to-copy-the-partition-layout-of-a-whole-disk-using-standard-tools|How to copy the partition layout of a whole disk using standard tools]]\\
sfdisk -d /dev/nvme0n1 | sfdisk /dev/nvme1n1 - Where /dev/nvme0n1 is the source disk and /dev/nvme1n1 is the target disk.\\
===== - Check if Directory is Mounted in Bash =====
[[https://www.baeldung.com/linux/bash-is-directory-mounted|Check if Directory is Mounted in Bash]]\\
===== - Speech-To-Text and Text-To-Speech engines - Coqui STT&TTS =====
**[[start#top|Top]]** \\
=) **[[Coqui STT&TTS Dokuwiki Page]]** \\
[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba-HMvDn_vU&list=PLUl4u3cNGP60IKRN_pFptIBxeiMc0MCJP|The Human Brain, Spring 2019 Playlist]] - [[https://youtu.be/XHyASP49ses|Deep Learning Frameworks - TensorFlow, PyTorch, fast.ai - AI Podcast Clips]] \\
[[https://www.debugpoint.com/2018/07/speech-recognition-to-text-in-linux-ubuntu-using-google-docs/|Speech Recognition to Text in Linux, Ubuntu using Google Docs]] \\
=) **[[Coqui STT&TTS Dokuwiki Page]]** \\
**[[https://coqui.ai/blog|Coqui STT/TTS is an open source embedded speech-to text/text-to-speech engine]]** \\
[[https://tts.readthedocs.io/en/latest/|Text-to-Speech generation]] - [[https://erogol.github.io/ddc-samples/|TTS v2 Samples]]\\
[[https://stt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/|Coqui STT Quickstart]] \\
[[http://espeak.sourceforge.net/docindex.html|eSpeak - Documents]] - [[https://www.tecmint.com/zenity-creates-graphical-gtk-dialog-boxes-in-command-line-and-shell-scripts/|Zenity]] \\
[[https://www.mushcultsupply.com/shop/p/lions-mane-kit|Lion's Mane Kit - $10.99]] - [[https://youtu.be/pYQ-1a36vU8|Broke Boi Tek Mushroom Growing for Beginners - No Pressure Cooker Needed!]] Youtube \\
===== - DockSTARTer =====
[[https://teejeetech.com/2020/09/05/linux-multi-boot-with-refind/|Linux Multi-boot with Refind]]\\
===== - Tiny Home =====
===== - Loopholes You Can Exploit to Cheat the System =====
**The Perfect Crime** \\
===== - Mount a VirtualBox drive image (vdi)? =====
**[[https://askubuntu.com/questions/19430/mount-a-virtualbox-drive-image-vdi?fbclid=IwAR0GKctu56F88dVBAXTHYwgVEjHT9zhMGmNB_exm7jKucniGej8gEvlx9_o_aem_AWXrdsOlaegaic2KEF71iW27qExXaCJA7ET6sT-CcmvFc8pLwQvoqvXdW-PcAy4ToqUgfLqfxoTUrlksDhDBsQx1|Mount a VirtualBox drive image (vdi)?]]** \\
Then you'll need to load the network block device module:
sudo rmmod nbd
sudo modprobe nbd max_part=16
Attach the .vdi image to one of the nbd you just created:
sudo qemu-nbd -c /dev/nbd0 /media/garyrust/DataJMicron/VM/Garuda/garuda-virtual.vdi
Now you will get a /dev/nbd0 block device, along with several /dev/nbd0p* partition device nodes.
gparted /dev/nbd0
sudo gparted /dev/nbd0
dd if=/dev/sdb5 of=/dev/nbd0p2 bs=4096 status=progress
resize 237585 in gparted
# sudo mount /dev/nbd0p2 /mnt
exit gparted
sudo mount /dev/nbd0p2 /mnt
change fstab
Once you are done, unmount everything and disconnect the device:
sudo qemu-nbd -d /dev/nbd0
Convert a virtual disk image to qcow2 format for use in VM Runtime on GDC
qemu-img convert -f vdi -O qcow2 garuda-virtual.vdi garuda-virtual.qcow2
===== - Embed videos & playlists Instructions =====
Two different ways:
1> See below video - How to View All of a Channel's Uploads in a Playlist
- (Replace UC with UU in &list=) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk4FsbaTTwM
2> See Another way (below) - Using username - https://youtu.be/DVgMhCWhv70
Image Link
[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk4FsbaTTwM|How to View All of a Channel's Uploads in a Playlist (Still Works 2018)]]\\
[[https://www.techuntold.com/embed-start-youtube-video-certain-time/|How to Embed and Start YouTube Video At Certain Time]]\\
Example: Observe the video link. Something like ?t=01m15s \\
[[https://youtu.be/A63imEmP_-I|YouTube Clips]]\\
Youtube started adding "?disable_polymer=1" to the end
of a lot of their urls now. When you're copying a channel
code in the url, DON'T INCLUDE THIS EXTRA STRING. Just
copy up to the question mark. If the video you're pasting
the code onto has the same disable polymer string, then
delete it before copying the code.
See above video (Replace UC with UU in &list=)
[[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31956221/how-to-disable-auto-play-for-local-video-in-iframe|How to disable auto-play for local video in iframe]] \\
To disable auto-play,
To enable auto-play,