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Bootstrap for testing PXE boot configs in VirtualBox
VirtualBox: Networking options and how-to manage them

1. [[http://www.knopper.net/knoppix/knoppix810-en.html|KNOPPIX 8.1.0 Public Release]]

See Installing Linux on TBao Laptops and Poor Man's Install
See Example here: dd if=KNOPPIX_V8.1-2017-09-05-EN.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=1M status=progress
See Micro-Remastering and UEFI Secure Boot here - Works on TBao X8S Laptop

KNOPPIX - UEFI Secure Boot

2. [[http://knoppix.net/forum/threads/31801-Poor-Man-s-Install-to-Hard-Disk-since-Knoppix-7-6-0|Poor Man's Install to Hard Disk since Knoppix 7.6.0]]

insmod part_msdos
insmod fat
set root = 'hd0,msdos5'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,msdos5 --hint-efi=hd0,msdos5 --hint-baremetal=ahci0,msdos5  D1AD-D3E7
linux /boot/syslinux/linux64 root=/dev/sda5 lang=en apm=power-off  nomce desktop = lxde hpsa.hpsa_allow_any=1 loglevel=1
initrd /boot/syslinux/minirt.gz

3. Knowing Knoppix

Virtualbox will not install on Knoppix 8.2 - but KVM and QEMU are already installed.
See How to convert a VirtualBox virtual machine to QEMUwto image? below

4. [[http://www.tina-vision.net/tina-knoppix/remastering.html|Tina Knoppix Remastering Instructions]]

Also see remastersys on Kiwix

Category:Programming Category:Computing

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