N6XRE DokuWiki


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talk:start [2019/10/12 21:38] garyrusttalk:start [2024/03/31 15:06] (current) garyrust
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-[[https://www.duckdns.org/update?domains=n6xre&token=58a1c3d7-8787-41dd-9790-e2d7d5c40e77|Update]] \\+===== - chat ===== 
 +<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">QMesh<a href="https://t.co/2WaHjP32G4">https://t.co/2WaHjP32G4</a></p>&mdash; glassparrot (@glassparrot) <a href="https://twitter.com/glassparrot/status/1464658561254899713?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 27, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> 
 +**Only works on Local Computers Choose the link if not local** \\ 
 +  <title> iFrame </title> 
 +  <script language="javascript">  
 +   function LoadPage(){  
 +     var objFrame=document.getElementById("myIframe");  
 +     objFrame.src=document.getElementById("URL").value; 
 +    } 
 +  </script> 
 +target="_self">#dokuwiki channel on KiwiIRC</a> open TCP Port 6667 on 
 +your firewall.<br> 
 +<div style="Clear:both;">  
 + <input type="text" value="https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.kiwiirc.com/?nick=n6xre|?#dokuwiki" class="frmUrlVal" ID="URL"> 
 + <input type="submit" class="frmSubmit" value="Go" onclick="LoadPage()"> 
 + <input type="button" VALUE="&lt; &lt; &nbsp; Back &nbsp;"  onClick="myIframe.history.back()">  
 + <input type="button" VALUE="Forward &nbsp; &gt; &gt;"  onClick="myIframe.history.forward()">  
 +<iframe src="https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.kiwiirc.com/?nick=n6xre|?#dokuwiki" style="border:0; width:100%; height:450px;"></iframe> 
 +</html> \\ 
 +[[|Private Tiddlywiki]] \\
 https://www.duckdns.org/ \\ https://www.duckdns.org/ \\
 https://www.duckdns.org/spec.jsp \\ https://www.duckdns.org/spec.jsp \\
-HTTP API Specification 
-The update URL can be requested on HTTPS or HTTP. It is recommended that you always use HTTPS 
-We provide HTTP services for unfortunate users that have HTTPS blocked 
-You can update your domain(s) with a single HTTPS get to DuckDNS 
-The domain can be a single domain - or a comma separated list of domains. 
-The domain does not need to include the .duckdns.org part of your domain, just the subname. 
-If you do not specify the IP address, then it will be detected - this only works for IPv4 addresses 
-You can put either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address in the ip parameter 
-If you want to update BOTH of your IPv4 and IPv6 records at once, then you can use the optional parameter ipv6 
-to clear both your records use the optional parameter clear=true 
-A normal good response is 
-A normal bad response is 
-if you add the &verbose=true parameter to your request, then OK responses have more information 
- [The current IP address for your update - can be blank] 
-2002:DB7::21f:5bff:febf:ce22:8a2e [The current IPV6 address for your update - can be blank] 
-HTTP Parameters 
-domains - REQUIRED - comma separated list of the subnames you want to update 
-token - REQUIRED - your account token 
-ip - OPTIONAL - if left blank we detect IPv4 addresses, if you want you can supply a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address 
-ipv6 - OPTIONAL - a valid IPv6 address, if you specify this then the autodetection for ip is not used 
-verbose - OPTIONAL - if set to true, you get information back about how the request went 
-clear - OPTIONAL - if set to true, the update will ignore all ip's and clear both your records 
-Special no-parameter request format 
-Some very basic routers can only make requests without parameters 
-For these requirements the following request is possible 
-YOURDOMAIN - REQUIRED - only a single subdomain 
-YOURTOKEN - REQUIRED - your account token 
-YOURIPADDRESS - OPTIONAL - if left blank we detect IPv4 addresses, if you want to over-ride this, with a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address 
-TXT Record API 
-The TXT update URL can be requested on HTTPS or HTTP. It is recommended that you always use HTTPS 
-We provide HTTP services for unfortunate users that have HTTPS blocked 
-You can update your domain(s) TXT record with a single HTTPS get to DuckDNS 
-your TXT record will apply to all sub-subdomains under your domain e.g. xxx.yyy.duckdns.org shares the same TXT record as yyy.duckdns.org 
-The domain can be a single domain - or a comma separated list of domains. 
-The domain does not need to include the .duckdns.org part of your domain, just the subname. 
-to clear the TXT value of your records use the optional parameter clear=true 
-A normal good response is 
-A normal bad response is 
-if you add the &verbose=true parameter to your request, then OK responses have more information 
-sometxt=thistext [The current TXT record for your update - can be blank] 
-HTTP Parameters 
-domains - REQUIRED - comma separated list of the subnames you want to update 
-token - REQUIRED - your account token 
-txt - REQUIRED - the txt you require 
-verbose - OPTIONAL - if set to true, you get information back about how the request went 
-clear - OPTIONAL - if set to true, the update will ignore the txt parameter and clear the txt record 
-Note that the TXT record does not show up in the WEB interface 
-You can use online web based Dig tools to query your record 
-To see your TXT record on linux or osx you can query DNS directly 
-dig test.duckdns.org TXT +===== - write html code for link with a button ===== 
-As stated before, this record will be also presented for any sub-subdomain queries+<html> 
 +<a href="https://garyrust.github.io/TiddlyWiki5/1/#Notes" style="background-color: blue; color: white; padding: 10px 20px; text-decoration: none; border-radius: 5px; display: inline-block;">N6XRE Tiddlewiki5 Notes</a> 
-dig test.test.duckdns.org TXT 
-This can be used for example to prove your ownership with letsencrypt.org 
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