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raspberry_pi [2024/02/15 13:03] – [2. Android 13 For Raspberry Pi 4 Is GOOD! And Even Better with Play Store!] garyrustraspberry_pi [2024/04/08 15:40] (current) – [2. How do you cluster Raspberry Pi's] garyrust
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 alt="Getting started" alt="Getting started"
 src="https://imgur.com/Lx6dRNN.png"></a> src="https://imgur.com/Lx6dRNN.png"></a>
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 +===== - How do you cluster Raspberry Pi's =====
 +<div style="width: 800px; white-space: pre-wrap;">
 +**Prompt: How do you cluster Raspberry Pi's using Docker.? Write all coding steps.
 +Response: To cluster Raspberry Pis using Docker, we will use a tool called "Docker Swarm". Here are the step-by-step instructions:
 +1. Update your Raspberry Pi systems and install Docker:
 +sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
 +curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh
 +sudo usermod ${USER} docker # (Optional, but recommended) Add the current user to the "docker" group for easier usage without using 'sudo' every time. Log out and log back in after running this command.
 +2. Initialize Docker Swarm on each Raspberry Pi:
 +docker swarm init --advertise-addr <IP_ADDRESS> # Replace <IP_ADDRESS> with the IP address of your Raspberry Pi
 +3. Create a sample Docker Compose file for clustering (save it as `docker-compose.yml`):
 +version: '3'
 +  service1:
 +    image: <IMAGE_NAME> # Replace with your desired Docker image name
 +    deploy:
 +      replicas: 3 # Set the number of replicas you want for this service across the cluster
 +4. Deploy the Docker Compose file on the Swarm using `docker stack deploy`. This command should be run from each Raspberry Pi in your cluster:
 +docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml <STACK_NAME> # Replace <STACK_NAME> with a name of your choice
 +5. Verify that the service is deployed across all nodes by checking the status of the stack:
 +docker stack ls
 +docker stack ps <STACK_NAME>
 +6. Access and interact with the clustered services using their names or IP addresses as needed.
 +Note that this setup assumes you have Docker installed on each Raspberry Pi, and they are all connected to the same network. If your Raspberry Pis are not in the same local network, you will need to set up a VPN or use other methods for them to communicate with each other.**
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