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coqui_stt_tts_dokuwiki_page [2022/01/06 05:48] – created garyrustcoqui_stt_tts_dokuwiki_page [2022/01/06 09:36] (current) – [3. Text-To-Speech Sandbox] garyrust
Line 40: Line 40:
 ===== - Text-To-Speech Sandbox ===== ===== - Text-To-Speech Sandbox =====
 [[#Top]] \\ [[#Top]] \\
 +  - espeak "ALEXA! What time is it?" or  espeak -f <text file>
 +  - tts --text "ALEXA! What time is it?" --model_name "tts_models/en/ljspeech/tacotron2-DDC"
 +  - aplay tts_output.wav
 +  - [[https://bash.cyberciti.biz/guide/Main_Page|Linux Bash Shell Scripting Tutorial]]
 +  - [[https://bash.cyberciti.biz/guide/Bash_display_dialog_boxes|Bash display dialog boxes]]
 +[[https://ostechnix.com/zenity-create-gui-dialog-boxes-in-bash-scripts/|How To Create GUI Dialog Boxes In Bash Scripts With Zenity In Linux]] \\
 +<iframe src="https://ostechnix.com/zenity-create-gui-dialog-boxes-in-bash-scripts/" width="800" height="700" allow="autoplay"></iframe>
 +SPEAK=$(zenity --entry \
 +       --width 500 \
 +       --title "TTS Speaker" \
 +       --text "Enter line to speak");
 +echo $SPEAK;
 +tts --text "ALEXXA! $SPEAK" --model_name "tts_models/en/ljspeech/tacotron2-DDC";
 +# sleep 5 ;
 +aplay tts_output.wav ;
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