**Sitemap - [[http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8080/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start&do=index|8080]] - [[http://n6xre.duckdns.org:73/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start&do=index|73]]** \\ ===== - Blender Snap ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ \\ ===== - Python Voice Assistant Tutorial ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://techwithtim.net/tutorials/voice-assistant/google-calendar-setup/ \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ **Python Voice Assistant playlist** \\ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AzGZ_CHzJk&list=PLzMcBGfZo4-mBungzp4GO4fswxO8wTEFx \\ ===== - OnlineVideoConverter ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://www.onlinevideoconverter.com/en \\ \\ ===== - plyr - A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player ===== [[software#top|Top]] \\ [[https://blog.bitsrc.io/5-open-source-html5-video-players-for-2018-38fa85932afb|5 Open Source HTML5 Video Players for 2019]] \\ https://plyr.io - https://github.com/sampotts/plyr - \\
\\ https://youtu.be/X6KqFYDGHA4\\ HYBERNATING GROUNDHOG, with no JOB. Better wake up or you'll be late for work.\\
===== - Jekyll ===== [[software#top|Top]]\\ https://jekyllrb.com/ \\ \\ ===== - Install PyCharm Community Edition ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://snapcraft.io/pycharm-community \\ \\ ===== - WebTorrent Desktop ===== **[[https://www.magnetdl.com/p/popcorntime/|PopcornTime]] works the same way for Android** \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://webtorrent.io/desktop/ \\ WebTorrent_Desktop.pdf {{obj:noreference 800,800 > http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8080/dokuwiki/pdf/WebTorrent_Desktop.pdf}} \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://monova.to/video \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://instant.io/ \\ {{obj:noreference 800,800 > http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8080/dokuwiki/pdf/Instant.io.pdf}} \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://youtu.be/kxHRATfvnlw \\ \\ ===== - How To Use Linux Screen ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-use-linux-screen/ \\ \\ ===== - IPFS powers the Distributed Web ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ **Got it. - https://ipfs.io/ ** \\ **[[https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ipfs-companion/nibjojkomfdiaoajekhjakgkdhaomnch?hl=en|IPFS Companion (chrome addon)]] - [[https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ipfs-companion/|IPFS Companion (firefox addon)]]** \\ **https://ipfs.io/ - https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/ipfs-desktop - https://github.com/claudiobizzotto/ipfs-rpi** \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://proto.school/#/ \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://steemit.com/ipfs/@hazae41/sweet-ipfs-full-ipfs-node-for-android \\ IPFS_node_for_Android.pdf \\ IPFS is like Bittorrent only better. It uses the blockchain for versioning and security. \\ This is especially good for Raspberry Pi's. The more popular the cluster is, the more efficient it is. \\ The Pi doesn't have to work so hard - or provide as much bandwidth. But what about the battery on a cellphone? \\ {{obj:noreference 800,800 > http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8080/dokuwiki/pdf/IPFS_node_for_Android.pdf}} \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8000/wikipedia_en_all_novid_2017-08/A/InterPlanetary_File_System.html \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ IPFS: Interplanetary file storage! \\ https://youtu.be/5Uj6uR3fp-U \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ Distributed Apps with IPFS (Juan Benet) - Full Stack Fest 2016 \\ https://youtu.be/jONZtXMu03w \\ \\ ===== - D.Tube ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://about.d.tube/ \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://d.tube/ \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://github.com/dtube \\ DTube-GitHub.pdf \\ {{obj:noreference 800,800 > http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8080/dokuwiki/pdf/DTube-GitHub.pdf}} \\ ===== - FileCoin ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://youtu.be/vyRZBeMtkrA \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://filecoin.io/ \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ [[http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8000/wikipedia_en_all_novid_2017-08/A/Snapshot_(computer_storage).html|Snapshot (computer storage)]] \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8000/wikipedia_en_all_novid_2017-08/A/ZFS.html \\ Also see [[raspberry_pi#raspberry_pi_python_adventures_-_zfs|Raspberry Pi Python Adventures - ZFS]] \\ \\ ===== - Ethereum + IPFS ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ PFS and Ethereum: Projects, Important News, Demos, and More - Juan Benet \\ https://youtu.be/Itb_2EMgBUI \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://ethereum.org/ \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8000/wikipedia_en_all_novid_2017-08/A/Ethereum.html \\ \\ ===== - Git ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://git-scm.com/ \\ Git.pdf {{obj:noreference 800,800 > http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8080/dokuwiki/pdf/Git.pdf}} \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8000/wikipedia_en_all_novid_2017-08/A/Git.html \\ \\ ===== - Yes, you can run Docker on Raspbian ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://withblue.ink/2019/07/13/yes-you-can-run-docker-on-raspbian.html \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ Also on [[raspberry_pi#pi_server_based_on_docker_with_vpn_remote_access_dropbox_backup_influx_grafana_etc| Raspberry Pi]] Page \\ Pi Server based on Docker, with VPN remote access, Dropbox backup, Influx, Grafana, etc. \\ https://youtu.be/a6mjt8tWUws \\ \\ Links: \\ Software and instructions: https://github.com/gcgarner/IOTstack \\ Installation of PiVPN: https://youtu.be/15VjDVCISj0 \\ SD card reader for Raspberry: http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/BOuB2Gxq \\ Used cooler for RPi 4: http://bit.ly/2V4DYyd \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ [[http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8000/wikipedia_en_all_novid_2017-08/A/Docker_(software).html|Docker (software)]] \\ \\ ===== - YOCTO PROJECT ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://www.yoctoproject.org/is-yocto-project-for-you/ \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ Building embedded GNU/Linux distribution for Raspberry Pi using the Yocto Project \\ https://youtu.be/zVLKPtGCtN4 \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ Building Raspberry Pi Systems with Yocto \\ https://jumpnowtek.com/rpi/Raspberry-Pi-Systems-with-Yocto.html \\ Building_Raspberry_Pi_Systems_with_Yocto.pdf \\ {{obj:noreference 800,800 > http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8080/dokuwiki/pdf/Building_Raspberry_Pi_Systems_with_Yocto.pdf}} \\ ===== - Node-Red Documentation ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://nodered.org/docs/ \\ \\ ===== - Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs with Jekyll. ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ **Free hosting with GitHub Pages** \\ https://jekyllrb.com/ \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ **Playlist** \\ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLAZ4kZ9dFpOPV5C5Ay0pHaa0RJFhcmcB \\ \\ ===== - Beaker is an experimental browser for exploring and building the peer-to-peer Web. ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://beakerbrowser.com/install/ \\ https://medium.com/@bipul.k.kuri/upgrade-node-js-npm-in-raspbian-on-raspberry-pi-f1bcdaa23db5 \\ https://github.com/nodesource/distributions \\ https://beakerbrowser.com/ \\ \\ I managed to run Beaker on Raspbian, at least the version 0.8.2 as @brechtcs suggested. This is not the Appimage it works at least: sudo apt-get install libtool m4 make g++ I also had to install autoconf to avoid an issue with this dependency: sudo apt-get install autoconf Then clone Beaker (you may have to install git first) git clone https://github.com/beakerbrowser/beaker.git cd beaker Checkout to v. 0.8.2 to avoid the electron related bug: git checkout 0.8.2 Install, rebuild npm install npm run rebuild Try npm start, if stuck at [ dat-daemon ] Starting…, try: npm start > /dev/null (Thanks to #1270 (comment)) **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8000/wikipedia_en_all_novid_2017-08/A/Comparison_of_web_browsers.html \\ \\ ===== - Beaker browser and the Dat protocol ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://bernsteinbear.com/dat-paper/ \\ \\ ===== - Beaker browser and the Dat protocol ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ Headless_Chrome.pdf \\ {{obj:noreference 800,800 > http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8080/dokuwiki/pdf/Headless_Chrome.pdf}} \\ ===== - ZeroNet ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://zeronet.io/docs/site_development/getting_started/ \\ ZeroNet.pdf \\ {{obj:noreference 800,800 > http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8080/dokuwiki/pdf/ZeroNet.pdf}} \\ ===== - WireGuard ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://www.wireguard.com/ \\ WireGuard_fast,_modern,_secure_VPN_tunnel.pdf \\ {{obj:noreference 800,800 > http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8080/dokuwiki/pdf/WireGuard_fast,_modern,_secure_VPN_tunnel.pdf}} \\ ===== - Install YunoHost on Raspberry PI 3 with Dokuwiki and PeerTube ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ **Install PeerTube and Dokuwiki** from the Application catalog below \\ https://yunohost.org/#/install \\ \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ Application catalog \\ https://yunohost.org/#/apps \\ \\ ===== - Static website hosting: who's fastest? AWS, Google, Firebase, Netlify or GitHub? ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://www.savjee.be/2017/10/Static-website-hosting-who-is-fastest/ \\ Static_website_hosting_-who's_fastest_-AWS,_Google,_Firebase,_Netlify_or_GitHub.pdf \\ {{obj:noreference 800,800 > http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8080/dokuwiki/pdf/Static_website_hosting_-who's_fastest_-AWS,_Google,_Firebase,_Netlify_or_GitHub.pdf}} \\ ===== - Common Open Research Emulator (CORE) ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://www.nrl.navy.mil/itd/ncs/products/core \\ Common_Open_Research_Emulator-CORE.pdf \\ {{obj:noreference 800,800 > http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8080/dokuwiki/pdf/Common_Open_Research_Emulator-CORE.pdf}} \\ **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8000/wikipedia_en_all_novid_2017-08/A/Network_emulation.html \\ ===== - Bluefish (software) - Html Editor ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ **WYSIWYG** \\ I can recommend to install **SeaMonkey browser** using UbuntuZilla APT repository. \\ This package will be updated on every apt upgrade. \\ You need to execute the following commands to add repository, its key and package installation: \\ cat < **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ **NO-WYSIWYG** \\ https://bfwiki.tellefsen.net/index.php/Main_Page \\ \\ **[[start#top|Top]]**\\ [[http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8000/wikipedia_en_all_novid_2017-08/A/Bluefish_(software).html|Bluefish_(software)]] \\ \\ ===== - Grsync And GAdmin-Rsync ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://www.unixmen.com/grsync-gadmin-rsync-graphical-front-end-applications-rsync-tool/ \\ \\ **[[start#top|Top]]**\\ Making Backups with Grsync \\ https://youtu.be/6nOojLe_CI0 \\ \\ **[[start#top|Top]]**\\ HowTo: Use Grsync and OpenSSH to sync your /home directory over a network \\ https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=795668 \\ HowTo_Use_Grsync_and_OpenSSH_to_sync_your_home_directory_over_a_network.pdf \\ **Now, in order to get SSH to work, you have to click on the Advanced Options** \\ **tab in Grsync and enter the following in the Additional options eld: -e ssh (see pdf)** \\ {{obj:noreference 800,400 > http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8080/dokuwiki/pdf/HowTo_Use_Grsync_and_OpenSSH_to_sync_your_home_directory_over_a_network.pdf}} \\ ===== - Asciinema Terminal Recorder ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://asciinema.org/ \\ asciinema.pdf \\ {{obj:noreference 60%,800 > http://n6xre.duckdns.org:8080/dokuwiki/pdf/asciinema.pdf}} \\ ===== - Mirror Android to PC with scrcpy ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://youtu.be/7p3hvtYUnTI \\ \\ scrcpy allows you to mirror your Android phone to Windows, Linux, or Mac \\ without the need for root or install any additional apps on your phone. \\ Works with USB and wifi!!! check out my review on this awesome piece of \\ software. Thanks for the view!! \\ ○○○ LINKS ○○○ \\ https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy \\ Action Shortcut Shortcut (macOS) Switch fullscreen mode Ctrl+f Cmd+f Resize window to 1:1 (pixel-perfect) Ctrl+g Cmd+g Resize window to remove black borders Ctrl+x | Double-click¹ Cmd+x | Double-click¹ Click on HOME Ctrl+h | Middle-click Ctrl+h | Middle-click Click on BACK Ctrl+b | Right-click² Cmd+b | Right-click² Click on APP_SWITCH Ctrl+s Cmd+s Click on MENU Ctrl+m Ctrl+m Click on VOLUME_UP Ctrl+↑ (up) Cmd+↑ (up) Click on VOLUME_DOWN Ctrl+↓ (down) Cmd+↓ (down) Click on POWER Ctrl+p Cmd+p Power on Right-click² Right-click² Turn device screen off (keep mirroring) Ctrl+o Cmd+o Rotate device screen Ctrl+r Cmd+r Expand notification panel Ctrl+n Cmd+n Collapse notification panel Ctrl+Shift+n Cmd+Shift+n Copy device clipboard to computer Ctrl+c Cmd+c Paste computer clipboard to device Ctrl+v Cmd+v Copy computer clipboard to device Ctrl+Shift+v Cmd+Shift+v Enable/disable FPS counter (on stdout) Ctrl+i Cmd+i ¹Double-click on black borders to remove them. ²Right-click turns the screen on if it was off, presses BACK otherwise. ===================================================================================== Scrcpy uses adb to communicate with the device, and adb can connect to a device over TCP/IP: Connect the device to the same Wi-Fi as your computer. Get your device IP address (in Settings → About phone → Status). Enable adb over TCP/IP on your device: adb tcpip 5555. Unplug your device. Connect to your device: adb connect (replace DEVICE_IP). Run scrcpy as usual. https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy \\ ===== - WireGuard VPN ===== **[[software#top|Top]]**\\ https://www.wireguard.com/ \\ WireGuard VPN WireGuard VPN \\ WireGuard® is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography. It aims to be faster, simpler, leaner, and more useful than IPsec, while avoiding the massive headache. It intends to be considerably more performant than OpenVPN. WireGuard is designed as a general purpose VPN for running on embedded interfaces and super computers alike, fit for many different circumstances. Initially released for the Linux kernel, it is now cross-platform (Windows, macOS, BSD, iOS, Android) and widely deployable. It is currently under heavy development, but already it might be regarded as the most secure, easiest to use, and simplest VPN solution in the industry. \\